A friend shared a great article from the Washington Post with me today. It was one of those articles that as a mom, had me tearing up a bit. Additionally as a person who is on social media (at least reading, not necessarily posting) I was so surprised not to hear about this sooner. A young man, with the help of his Dad, created a profile on LinkedIn and after several drafts, posted a …
49 Reasons For Speech Therapy
I didn’t know, until my son needed speech therapy, that a speech therapist has to have a master’s degree and a state certification. Just last year, the rigorous 2020 Standards and Implementation Procedures for the Certificate of Clinical Competence were implemented. These eight steps required to maintain certification include 36 graduate semester hours, a minimum of 400 hours of supervised …
Creative Fundraising in 2020 Helps Fund Orange Effect Foundation Grant Recipients
CLEVELAND - March 22, 2021 - PRLog -- 2020 challenged us all. Faced with an unexpected economic constriction, the Orange Effect Foundation took the opportunity to try something new. By adding two new fundraisers, the 100 Holes of Golf Marathon and Silence For Speech Therapy, this grant making organization was able once again to meet the needs of children with speech …
100 Holes of Golf Marathon
Last year, it was desperate times in the fundraising space. Of course, this was not only for Orange Effect Foundation, but for almost every not-for-profit organization who survived on in-person fundraisers. During and after the lockdowns, we were unsure whether we'd be able to run our biggest fundraiser in August, our annual OEF Golf for Autism. In addition, donations were harder to come by …
Finding the Right Words
The Orange Effect Foundation supports early speech therapy—and for one family, helps a child find words to express her delight. This post originally published on the OEF blog on August 4, 2016. Due to its popularity and valuable information we are reposting it here for you. At two years old, Bridey loves to paint and get messy playing outside. Her mom describes her as a free spirit with …
A Personalized Approach to Fundraising
I had the opportunity to participate in a study regarding making large contributions to non-profits and foundations. During the study, I found out that a lot of donors feel the same way I do...they just want to know that what they give is making an impact and is used for how it was intended. From that study, I received a call from the New York Times for an interview. During the interview, I …
It’s Gonna Be All Right
I seem to be having a recurring conversation this month. Parents are concerned that their child is “falling behind.” At first, I spent most of the conversations reassuring parents that we are all trying to float on the same ocean during this pandemic. Then I realized that I didn’t have enough information. I really didn’t know what people were talking about when they were sharing their concerns. I …
Can You Understand Your Child’s Speech?
This post originally published on the OEF blog on March 21,2019. Due to it's popularity and valuable information we are reposting it here for you. It’s common for most children to make some mistakes as they learn to say new words. Different sounds are mastered at different ages. Consistent, correct sound production will vary from child to child. When mistakes continue past a certain age, …
Why I Am an Amanda Gorman Fan and EVERY Speech Therapist Should Be Too
Prior to January 20, 2021, I had never heard of Amanda Gorman. Add it to the long list of things I am not cultured about. One can only digest so much content out there in the world, but I digress. On January 20th, I decided to watch the inauguration. In addition to the momentous occasion of our first female Vice President, I’m a huge Garth Brooks fan, so I was delighted to see him walk out in …
iso·la·tion. It’s a sad, sad word.
How to know if it is affecting your child. According to Merriam Webster, the definition of isolate (verb) is “to set apart from others; also : quarantine.” or as a noun, “an individual socially withdrawn or removed from society,” or as an adjective, “being alone.” I remember about 15 years ago. I was a stay at home mom with two boys, one of whom was special needs, and my husband traveled a …
Screen Time Delays Speech in Children
This post originally published on the OEF blog on May 18, 2017. Due to it's popularity and valuable information we are reposting it here for you. Hand-held screens might delay a child’s ability to form words, based on new research presented at the annual Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting in San Francisco. This preliminary study is the first to show how mobile …
Deciding to Add a Pet to Your Special Needs Household
When a person first meets me it often does not take long before they learn I am an avid dog lover (some would say my love borders on obsession!). Bring up a dog in conversation and you have my rapt attention. I also am an intervention specialist for preschoolers diagnosed on the autism spectrum. I am very passionate about my profession and would not want to teach any other population of …