I’ve run across a lot of feel good articles this week. It amazes me what people can accomplish and to be honest, I often envy their constant upbeat mood and never ending drive.
I realize too, that most of these folks just don’t get enough credit. So we would love to highlight some of them here at The Orange Effect Foundation.
Here’s some I ran across this week!
Dylan Lang is a graduating student at Arizona State University. He is part of the twelve percent of the U.S. population that is deaf. One million Americans are completely deaf and rely on American Sign Language to communicate. He developed an app to educate hearing individuals in American Sign Language and provide real-time virtual ASL interpreting.
Heather Anderson is a mom who saw a need and came up with a solution. She is the founder of The Autism Oasis, where she uses her skills as a former journalist to research and provide information to families affected by nonverbal autism. Heather believes that most students with nonverbal autism have average or above average intelligence and can learn to read and communicate.
You may have heard of Greta Thunberg because of her amazing work on climate change. Did you know that she also has Aspergers, but calls it her “superpower?” Her openness about being on the spectrum has inspired so many other people on the spectrum, especially young women.
Clara Park is a mom of an autistic daughter who challenged the medical establishment’s misconceptions about autistic children that were held through much of the 20th century. In fact, there was a time when mothers were accused of having caused their child’s autism. Park was instrumental in changing the public and professional view of autism.
Who inspires you? Share with us in the comments, by email or social media. We’d love to get to know you, and them!