Every once in a while, I get a little distracted and I forget why I do things. I’m not talking about just why I walked in the kitchen, although that happens a lot too.
I’m talking about why I do the work I do or even why I chose the profession I did. But I was reminded of my why at our last board meeting.
The application review committee shared with us the stories of a couple of the recipients we will be providing funds for over the next year. They are kids who simply want to be able to communicate. They have parents who want their kids to be successful and want them to be able to have friends and want them to be able to express their feelings.
One of these kids is a 10th grade student with Down Syndrome who has been non-verbal most of his life. He has been in school but there has been significant staffing issues at this school and he has not been getting the services outlined in his IEP both for speech therapy and his need for an aid for parts of his day. The parents realized this and know that his services were compromised. The parents withdrew him from school at this time and he has been struggling with depression and anxiety. He attends private speech therapy at this time and the family is requesting an AAC device for him. They are “hoping that he becomes proficient within time to enter a program that prepares individuals with Intellectual Disabilities for a work place. He cannot enter the programs available without a way to communicate, express himself or advocate for himself in the workplace”.
The board is honored that the family found us and we are looking forward to him being our why.
Many of you reading this support OEF and help us make a difference. Thank you!
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