I really try hard not to be on social media too much. I have to be on social media in some ways for work and that’s okay, but when it’s time to decompress I believe in the research that says it is not good for you mentally and that it does not help with sleep.
The times I do get caught “going down the rabbit hole” or spending too much time with social media is when there are certain kinds of videos. Have you seen the ones for example where a young child, usually under age 2, gets new glasses and can see Mom or Dad clearly for the first time, or gets a hearing device and grins ear to ear when they hear their parents voice for the first time? I’m a total sucker. I can’t get enough. I smile every time. Okay maybe even tear up a little bit but it’s happiness!
The same thing happened when we were sent a video of one of our grant recipients getting his new device and talking about his mom. I’ve probably watched it 50 times. It motivates me, especially when I am frustrated or have lost my direction on why we do what we do.
True Happiness
Recently that same happiness came to me when we got an email from one of our grant recipient’s speech therapists. As a little background this young man only had access to a device at school. Can you imagine not being able to communicate at home? Yikes.
Hi, We just received E’s device today at school!!! Words cannot express how excited his team is that E will have a device to call his own. He can take it home with him and better communicate with his family and in the community. I cannot thank you enough for this tremendous gift! Just an FYI, E has already met his communication goals (including AAC use) that were written for him last May. He has an excellent para this year who really makes sure the device is accessible and used. E has started using his device spontaneously for so many communication functions (clarification/informing/requesting/answering//etc). Now he can extend his knowledge of AAC with this new device and have it accessible 24/7! I feel your granting this gift to E and his family will allow him to flourish even more! Thanks again, Annie
Nothing brings a smile to my face, causes my heart to be happier, or motivates me more to help kids who have issues with communication than to receive an email like that.
I owe a special thanks to ALL OF YOU as you attend our events, donate to the cause, share our message and so much more. Thank you for making things like E getting his device happen!
YOU make a lot of people smile..