We just did it again! At a board meeting held this past June, the Orange Effect Foundation became a game changer in the lives of 19 children. Awarding more than $60,000 in grants to children that need a voice, the Orange Effect Foundation funded over 450 hours of speech therapy, three weeks of summer speech camp, and three speech devices. With this latest round of grant awards, the Orange …
Using AAC Technology To Create Inclusion in the Classroom
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices help to create inclusion within a classroom. Learn how these devices empower users to initiate communication, rather than just respond to questions. Stephanie Taymuree has witnessed huge advances in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) during her nearly 40 years as a speech-language pathologist (SLP) and special educator, …
Young Adult With Autism Reaches For the Stars
The Cleveland Clinic recently profiled an ambitious teen with autism who continues to defy expectations. At age 3, he could not walk, talk or easily swallow food. His doctors in Israel suggested a lifetime of institutionalization. Not content with that plan his parents pursued other options. Today, this same young man just completed his freshman year of college. Learn more …
Learning About Speech-Language Pathology and Autism
This Autism Speaks article explains how speech-language pathologists can assist children with autism. What is a speech-language pathologist? Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) have masters or doctoral training in speech-language pathology. They’ve completed a clinical fellowship and participated in continuing education. They are licensed by the state where they practice or hold teacher …
Placing Family First
I've been lucky at a lot of things in life. Amazing family, the best group of friends, and really great jobs. I went to college to be a social worker and my first few jobs in that field helped define what I was meant to do. They were both challenging and fulfilling. Then came motherhood. By far my favorite job of all. I love every second of it. Then fate kicked in and I was able to help my …
Assistive Technology for Kids With Autism
We fund speech generating devices for children and young adults who are nonverbal or who have limited communication. For many, access to a speech device opens up a world of opportunity and empowerment. Learn more about one mother's journey to empower her son with speech through use of assistive technology. Finding Cooper's Voice: Assistive Technology For Kids With Autism …
Do We Need Speech Therapy Over the Summer?
With summer right around the corner, it’s time to start considering your child’s speech needs during that long, 10-week hiatus. I get asked all the time, is it ok if my child goes all summer without speech therapy? My answer—No! While summer brings a necessary respite from intensive study, it is not a time to stop everything. All children, whether they have speech needs or not, regress to …
Conquer the High Cost of Speech Therapy
Families with a speech disordered child often face a financial burden due to the high cost of speech therapy and other needed treatments. In fact, a survey published in Public Health Reports found that 40% of American families with children with special needs report feeling the strain of the financial toll that those healthcare needs cause. The survey further reported that children with …
Pets Can Help Autistic Children Learn to Share and Comfort Others
Neuroscience journalist Maia Szalavitz explores the connection between pets and an autistic's child's ability to bond. As demonstrated in a French study of 40 children with autism and their families, whether and when a family acquires a pet can affect a child's ability to bond with humans. Read more in this article written for TIME Magazine. …
The Truth Behind Speech Disorders and Stress
Speech disorders affect millions of children each year, with almost 8% of kids under 17 showing some sort of communication disorder. The inability to connect with peers can be an emotional drain on school-age kids, leading to a myriad of both physical and mental problems that can persist into adulthood. Many children who are coping with a speech impediment experience a great deal of stress …
Dear Moms: Stop Beating Yourself Up
I suspect like many Moms, I get reflective as Mother’s Day approaches. But do I have time to be reflective? Maybe not. I have to make sure that all the Moms and Grandmas and Nanas in our life get cards, and gifts where appropriate. And I have to make sure that we see them that day. Oh, and one is out of town, so maybe send flowers and candy? Should we host dinner? What will be on the menu? If the …
Children’s Books That Promote Autism Awareness
An April 2018 New York Times article told of a new study that shows the widespread impact of reading with young children. The study revealed that social and emotional development takes place, in addition to learning language and literacy. It also showed that reading with a child can decrease behaviors such as aggression, hyperactivity, and short attention span. In addition to all of these …