I often get on a rant about the negative effects of the internet, but it’s days like today where for some great reason my news is filled with things that just make me so happy.
Take Anthony here, he loves cars. I mean not just loves cars but LOVES cars. I don’t want to spoil the video – but you will be shocked when you realize one of the cars is not a car… well, anyway, Anthony has some awesome creations.
Anthony has such a great reputation for knowing cars he has even helped the police. But again, I don’t want to spoil the video. Oh, and by the way, Anthony is autistic.
Then I “met” Viktor! Viktor is an artist. He has an entire collection of art. one of which received over 2 million likes (spoiler alert it’s of Michael Jackson. You have to check it out). Viktor is just 13 years old and already on his way to fame. Oh, and by the way, Viktor is autistic.
Special needs children and especially, children with autism, can be overwhelming to parents and caregivers. We need to remember that they have many strengths too. Whether your child has special needs or not, be sure to embrace their special skills and strengths. Kids are amazing!