It was the first Monday in August, 2007. It turned out to be the hottest day of the year, hitting 96 degrees with 90% humidity. It was also the first ever Golf for Autism, where 88 golfers and dozens of sponsors helped us donate $7,419 to Easter Seals.
Now 12 years later, Orange Effect Foundation (OEF), which became its own 501(c)3 in 2014, has generated well over $300,000 through the OEF Golf for Autism. This year, 160 golfers (in two flights) and almost 100 supporters and sponsors came together to help deliver our best year ever on August 5th at Elyria Country Club.
At least for me, the highlight is always my son Joshua Pulizzi speaking to the crowd. Once again, for the 8th year in a row, Joshua gave the keynote speech.
And if you’d like to see how far his speech has come, here’s Joshua’s speech from 2010.
Proceeds from the OEF Golf for Autism have been able to directly assist over 175 children in 28 states. This would never be possible without our wonderful OEF team, our volunteers, and people like you who donate their time and talent to this amazing cause – delivering grants for speech therapy to children who desperately need it.
Special thanks to our Premier Sponsors this year, which include Petco, GIE Media, AON, Zapis Capital Group, and Openview. It’s worth noting that Petco and GIE have been with us since Year One.
Our supporting sponsors include Pickwick & Frolic, Smart Business Network, Stack Heating, Cooling & Electric, Wells Fargo, WTWH Media, Zurich, Robert Rose, Sandra Sauder, Mark & Janice Linstrom, and Greg Olsen.
Pictures from this wonderful day can be found here.
The OEF Golf for Autism is always the first Monday in August. We’d love to have you participate next year. Please save the date.